37 Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Need To Know

Breakfast is the most important meal of three meals a day. Nutrition or not directly affects the mental state of the whole day. A healthy and reasonable breakfast is conducive to maintaining the health of the body function and making people energetic. So if you are interested, pleased read on.

No breakfast is harmful to digestive system. Normally, food eaten the night before enters the intestine from the stomach after about six hours. If you don’t have a good breakfast the next day, gastric acid and various digestive enzymes in the stomach will “digest” the gastric mucous. In the long run, the normal function of cells secreting mucus will be destroyed, which can easily cause digestive system diseases such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Not eating breakfast is very harmful to the brain. If blood sugar is too low, there will be obstacles to brain consciousness activities, which will affect the weight and morphological development of the brain in the long run;

37 Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Need To Know DIY, DIY dishes, breakfast